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IPM Shares Project Management Expertise with Baldrige Award Winners and Potential Winners

Though Integrated Project Management Company, Inc. (IPM) earned its Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 2018, it continues to learn from the experience. For example, IPM’s Baldrige journey helped define its ongoing continuous improvement program. So when asked to share its knowhow with other Baldrige winners and companies working toward the achievement, IPM is eager to help.

At the April 2022 Quest for Excellence Conference, IPM Baldrige Lead Larry Meyer presented insights gleaned from the company’s Baldrige journey as well as its core competency. Those who attended the session, “Accelerate Your Baldrige Journey Using Project Management Best Practices,” learned about applying effective goal setting, business alignment, extensive communication, realistic scheduling, proper resourcing, and upper management support to the application process—as well as the opportunities for improvement that follow. He also included IPM’s lessons learned along the way.

Meyer also was proud to represent IPM in congratulating the 2021 Baldrige Award winners, MidwayUSA, The Charter School of San Diego, and Mid-America Transplant. The annual award recognizes performance excellence, based on a rigorous evaluation of leadership, strategy, operations, and other elements.


More on IPM’s Baldrige journey and how it’s impacted the organization—and could potentially impact yours


Baldrige Foundation Recognizes IPM CEO for Leadership Excellence – The Baldrige Foundation recognized IPM President and CEO C. Richard Panico with a 2021 Foundation Award for Leadership Excellence. The award recognizes exceptional leadership in the promotion of performance excellence across the United States.

Lessons Learned on IPM’s Baldrige Journey – Panico shared the benefits and lessons learned on IPM’s Baldrige journey in an essay for the Journal of Performance Excellence, which is published annually by the Baldrige Foundation.

A Strategy Execution Roadmap – Baldrige Journey – A deep dive into how IPM applied its Strategy Realization Model for transforming organizations to prioritize and execute its Baldrige pursuit—and used Baldrige feedback to improve the model.

How the Baldrige Framework Helps a Small Business Excel | NIST – Meyer talked to Blogrige about how IPM has benefited—in good times and bad—from its use of the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence as a leadership and management framework.

Spotlight on 2018 Baldrige Award Recipient Leaders: IPM’s C. Richard Panico | NIST – In an interview, Panico provided four reasons why organizations can benefit from using the Baldrige Excellence Framework to improve their performance.


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