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Empowering Research to Accelerate Cures

The theme for Integrated Project Management Company’s (IPM’s) quarterly philanthropic effort often stems from one employee’s personal experience. Such was the case in the third quarter, when the theme for Integrated Project Mercy, as the effort is known, was charities that support research into cures.

Minneapolis-based Consultant Kristi Coley-Stephan led the effort and selected its theme. “I have a background as a scientist and have always had an interest in research,” she explains. “I selected the Spinal Cord Society of Minneapolis because we have a family member who has lived with a spinal cord injury for the past 20 years. But I realize that there are other charities that may be meaningful to others. So, we opened up the Project Mercy theme to include any charity that is researching important cures.”

Fundraiser for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation

Supporting Spinal Research

To help the Twin Cities Chapter of the Spinal Cord Society, Coley-Stephan and other volunteers from IPM’s Minneapolis office hosted an appreciation lunch for Dr. Ann Parr’s research lab at the University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute. The lab shares the Spinal Cord Society’s goal of finding new therapies and cures for spinal cord injuries. The IPM team learned about new developments underway in Dr. Parr’s lab. The volunteers then provided project management coaching sessions for the scientists.

The Chicago office also supported spinal research through a donation to the United Spinal Association Illinois Chapter (USAIC). The nonprofit organization also provides information and support resources for people with spinal cord injuries, their family members, and healthcare professionals. Many IPMers also participated in a fundraiser by a local pizza chain, which contributed 20 percent of sales to the USAIC.

Helping to Fund Cancer Research

New Jersey volunteers donated their time to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer. The charity’s mission is to raise awareness, support families, and fund impactful research to help cure childhood cancer. The IPMers set up a lemonade stand, where they distributed information, took donations, and sold beverages and raffle tickets for a gift basket to tourists and local shoppers in historic downtown Flemington, N.J.

In St. Louis, team members raised funds for cancer research through Pedal the Cause. The bicycle race supports the city’s Siteman Cancer Center and Siteman Kids at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital. IPMers rode in the race and/or provided course support for the event.

Similarly, a team of Los Angeles IPMers participated in the LA Cancer Challenge 5K Walk/Run for the Hirschberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research. The foundation is focused on finding a cure for pancreatic cancer and empowering the patients and families whose lives are touched by the disease. The walk was held on the UCLA campus, where much of the foundation’s research is conducted.

Targeting Parkinson’s Disease

Volunteers from IPM locations on opposite coasts supported The Michael J. Fox Foundation, which is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson’s.

The Boston office sponsored and participated in the foundation’s Boston Walk/Run. IPMers and their family members raised contributions, completed the 5K, and/or volunteered at the event. In fact, IPM employees and family made up more than 70 percent of the event’s volunteers.

And in San Francisco, a group teed up for the Michael J. Fox Foundation Targeting a Cure Event. The nationwide event occurred simultaneously at 16 TopGolf locations across the country. The team did not win the tournament, but they did support much needed and highly productive research.


IPM employees lead and participate in quarterly philanthropy efforts through our Integrated Project Mercy program. Visit our careers page to learn more about joining the IPM family.

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