Led by our San Francisco family, the fourth-quarter 2017 Integrated Project Mercy theme, “Warmth of the Season,” generated creative opportunities for helping those in need.
The San Francisco team supported the Redwood Empire Food Bank in Santa Rosa, the largest hunger relief organization serving north coastal California, from Sonoma County to the Oregon border. Volunteers helped organize and package 624 boxes of food donations for diabetic victims of the Santa Rosa fires.
Our Boston office helped at the Greater Boston Food Bank by sorting, packing, and preparing food for those in need. Additionally, IPM’s financial donation to the food bank provided 3,000 healthy meals.
The Chicago office supported the Crisis Center for South Suburbia, a non-profit community organization that provides emergency shelter and other essential services for individuals and families affected by domestic violence. Before the holidays, IPMers collected donations for the Center that had been dropped off at the Tinley Park Public Library, sorted toys, clothing, and coats for distribution, and organized general donations in the Center’s basement. During a second event, volunteers cleaned, sanitized, and organized the children’s playroom and additional donations.
Our LA family attended an event at the Downtown Women’s Center, whose mission is to provide permanent supportive housing and a safe and healthy community fostering dignity, respect, and personal stability. IPM volunteers assembled the final meal of the day for residents of the Center–100 sandwiches, fruit, drinks, and snacks.
The Minnesota team volunteered at the Salvation Army Harbor Light Center in Minneapolis. Volunteers served hot breakfast during three shifts for Harbor Light residents and others in need. They also packed more than 300 lunches for the Salvation Army bell ringers. These bell ringers increase the donations to the red kettles by more than $30 per hour, which represents two additional bags of groceries for a family or housing an individual for a night.
IPMers from the New Jersey office volunteered at the food pantry and soup kitchen of the St. James Social Service Corporation (SJSSC), whose mission is to support the family unit by changing the economic circumstances and improving the overall quality of life for children, the elderly, low-income families, and the homeless.
St. Louis workers volunteered at Gateway 180, whose mission is to empower adults to become independent and permanently housed. IPMers prepared food and personal care bags for Gateway 180’s “Fresh Start” Project, which helps families settle into new homes. The team also prepared approximately 100 brown bag lunches for Gateway residents.
March 5, 2018
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