Your success depends on accomplishing strategic and critical initiatives. These are often the most complex, challenging, and time-sensitive projects, and they require cross-functional cooperation. You can rely on IPM’s proven processes, tools, and training to help you execute projects efficiently—without interrupting day-to-day operations—and build your project management maturity.
You know your customers and the competitive environment. You’ve identified your strengths and opportunities, and your business strategy is sound. But while most organizations are adept at developing strategies, many struggle to turn strategy into sustainable results while managing day-to-day operations. The critical, time-sensitive programs and projects that drive results require significant expertise, focus, discipline, and resources.
Using best-in-class project management processes, tools, and training, IPM helps ensure the essential work gets done quickly and efficiently. Unlike conventional business consulting firms, IPM is all about execution excellence. Everyday operations continue uninterrupted while we lead planning and execution of your key projects, provide structure around your project management office, or help translate your strategy into actions that will drive success.
Customized to suit your organization’s needs and maturity level, our project and program management services deliver:
When your list of programs and projects under consideration exceeds your organization’s resources, count on IPM to engage your team and stakeholders, and manage schedules, communications, risk, and change.
Our project management consultants can lead your most complex projects and implement your most critical initiatives. Working side by side with you, IPM’s Project Portfolio Management experts can provide a roadmap and prioritized recommendations. We can help you establish a Project Management Office to lead and optimize your project management capabilities. Our Strategy Realization Model can guide you through alignment, prioritization, and execution, building key processes and optimizing resource use to drive the work that achieves your strategy.
Working with IPM, you’ll see firsthand how program and project management expertise adds value. To build capabilities within your own team, we instill the same strategic planning and execution competency that was recognized as a “role model practice” when we received the 2018 Malcolm Baldrige Award.
Tanya Roberts
Sr. Director Project and Portfolio Management Services
Eni Bica
Scott Crosson
Noe Dorantes
Knowledge & Process Management Director
Joe Goodwin
Tina Allen Janetzko
Amber Monaghan
Greg O'Boyle
Rob Secchi
Cionne Manning
Manager, Strategy Realization Office
David Sanchez
Principal Consultant
Jenn Tadros
Principal Consultant
Brian Artz
Senior Consultant
Gordon Forrest
Senior Consultant
Steve Ingram
Senior Consultant
David Nguyen
Senior Consultant
Eric Orywal
Senior Consultant
Martin O'Sullivan
Senior Consultant
Walter Plante
Senior Consultant
Alice Preketes
Senior Consultant
Dan Riordan
Senior Consultant
Nicole Sanchez
Senior Consultant
Sharon Walsh
Senior Consultant
Heather Williams
Senior Consultant
Victoria Black
Sarah Caminker
Kristi Coley-Stephan
Erin McNeil
Liz O'Brien
Alee Rashenskas
Katie Rose
Audrey Wilson